Sunday, July 31, 2011

I Hate this Diet!!!!

Good Evening.....

The Diet I posted in an earlier blog is not going to be the one for me....too restrictive...I need to eat more food than that....
So on to Plan B.......

Watching what I eat/smaller portions
No Meat (Red)


Eat lots of chicken, salad and veggies

I'll keep you posted...
Pinkalicious Hugs♥♥

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Good Evening -- I'm on my way to lose my 10 pounds..I need to get into all the fabulous WINTER clothes that are coming out for Fall.

Dinner was great -- Salad with 5 Wheat Thins.....YUM

Night♥Night♥Sweet Dreams♥♥.....Love & Hugs♥♥

Good Afternoon Friends.....started my new diet today...

Yogurt and 2 (wheat crackers) for Breakfast

Yogurt and 2 (wheat crackers) for Lunch

Salad for dinner   (230 Calories)

Dressing (lite)

Really hard already and just

I'm determined to lose 10 pounds...and I WILL!

Red Velvet Cake is my Favorite Yogurt - 100 Calories

"Pinkalicious"  Hugs♥♥

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Make Exercise a part of your daily routine♥♥

Hello.....make EXERCISE a part of your daily routine that way you will be able to buy all the FABULOUS Winter clothes that are coming out.................the Winter Colors are fabulous....♥

Navy..........................Great colors for winter


High School Friends♥


Had a fabulous day yesterday.....met for lunch with some High School Friends at a local Restaurant in Castro Valley.

Laurie Cobb and Sherry (Bowes) Kiernan -- it was so good to see them and they looked fabulous.

♥♥We are not getting older ♥♥we are getting better♥♥
Those were the days -- I had so much fun in High School!!

"Pinkalicious" Hugs♥

Sunday, July 17, 2011

My "Pinkalicious" Shoes♥


Had a busy and of course Blogging and FaceBook.

Tried to clean my closet where my shoes are -- I have over 200 pairs of shoes -- time to sort them out...hard to do -- even though I know I must and should.

I love these heels and I WILL NOT GIVE THEM UP -- I will NOT!

Shopping was Fun♥

Shopping was fun -- even though I missed my "shopping partner" My Daughter Mary♥♥

All the Summer clothes are on sale ..bought some tops, shorts and of course I had to go to my favorite store "Victoria's Secret" to spend some of my Gift Card....Bought some "PINKALICIOUS" Goodies♥

Had fun!!

Fashion - Fashion - Fashion

Good Morning -- getting ready to do a little the Mall♥

Trying to get ready for Winter..Ha..Ha.....and Summer isn't even over yet! 

It's looks like COLOR is in again for the Winter Season -- and I adore color!

I'm looking for sweaters to wear with jeans, which by the way you can dress up or down simply by adding or not having accessories.

I love wearing Jeans and I was happy to see that the Winter Season still has "Skinny Jeans" as a favorite -- I LOVE MY SKINNY JEANS!

Well --on to shopping - talk to you later.